Hey fellow NFT owner, NiftyTailor.com is a project from the community for the community. Feel free to dress your NFT the way you like. Don't miss out on future drops and subscribe to our Twitter @niftytailor.
As this project is build with a lot of dust and sweat we are very happy if you share the love with a donation:
If you have great garment designs and you want to make them available for the NFT space feel free to send them to us in the right format. Get in touch with us via niftytailor (at) gmail (dot) com (png, transparent background with width and height of the collection image)
Many people have contributed and deserve some credit here. NiftyTailor is a platform for digital fashion designers. Thanks to: @bejado.eth, @Pizza Later, @borealis, @sola-san, @jalapeno, @lukeabc, @gypsy, @akwrks and anonymous for coming up with incredible garment designs. Additional thanks go out to FancyRats for providing a Vogu interface.
kryptoragazzo and cryptopenks
Additional thanks go out to:
Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Icons made by Smashicons from www.flaticon.com
Images used from Designed by pikisuperstar / Freepik